Welcome to Conditional Random Fields in Machine Learning

About Conditional Random Fields

Conditional random fields (CRFs) are a class of statistical modeling methods often applied in pattern recognition and machine learning and used for structured prediction. Whereas a classifier predicts a label for a single sample without considering "neighbouring" samples, a CRF can take context into account. To do so, the predictions are modelled as a graphical model, which represents the presence of dependencies between the predictions. What kind of graph is used depends on the application.

examples where CRFs are used are: labeling or parsing of sequential data for natural language processing or biological sequences:

  1. Part-of-speech tagging and shallow pharsing.
  2. Named Entity Recognition.
  3. Gene Finding and Peptide critical functional region finding.
  4. Object Recognition.
  5. Image Segmentation in Computer vision.

Applications of Conditional Random Fields:

Classical Papers


Python Code Example:

import sklearn_crfsuite
from sklearn_crfsuite import metrics

# Sample data
# Each sentence is represented as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has 'word' and 'label' keys.
# Labels can be 'B-PER' (beginning of a person entity), 'I-PER' (inside a person entity), 'O' (outside entity).
train_data = [
    [{'word': 'John', 'label': 'B-PER'}, {'word': 'Doe', 'label': 'I-PER'}, {'word': 'works', 'label': 'O'}],
    [{'word': 'Alice', 'label': 'B-PER'}, {'word': 'Smith', 'label': 'I-PER'}, {'word': 'is', 'label': 'O'}, {'word': 'an', 'label': 'O'}, {'word': 'engineer', 'label': 'O'}]

test_data = [
    [{'word': 'David', 'label': 'B-PER'}, {'word': 'Brown', 'label': 'I-PER'}, {'word': 'is', 'label': 'O'}, {'word': 'a', 'label': 'O'}, {'word': 'doctor', 'label': 'O'}]

# Feature extraction function
def word2features(sent, i):
    word = sent[i]['word']
    features = {
        'bias': 1.0,
        'word.lower()': word.lower(),
    if i > 0:
            'word[-3:]': word[-3:],
            'word[-2:]': word[-2:],
        features['BOS'] = True

    if i < len(sent) - 1:
            'word[:3]': word[:3],
            'word[:2]': word[:2],
        features['EOS'] = True

    return features

# Convert data into features
def sent2features(sent):
    return [word2features(sent, i) for i in range(len(sent))]

def sent2labels(sent):
    return [token['label'] for token in sent]

X_train = [sent2features(sent) for sent in train_data]
y_train = [sent2labels(sent) for sent in train_data]

X_test = [sent2features(sent) for sent in test_data]
y_test = [sent2labels(sent) for sent in test_data]

# Create and train CRF model
crf = sklearn_crfsuite.CRF(
crf.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Make predictions
y_pred = crf.predict(X_test)

# Evaluate the model
report = metrics.flat_classification_report(y_test, y_pred)


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